Sunday, June 20, 2010

How to get my haircut? Blunt or texturize?

I get my hair done by one of my good friends... My hair is medium length with long layers and past eyebrow lenght bangs. Everytime she cuts my hair she does it vertical. Not a nice straight across cut. I used to get my hair done by a wonderful guy and he cut my hair nice straight cut. Well, since this is my friend I feel bad tellng her exactly how to cut it. I think the way she is cutting it it texturize. Well, I have fine highlighted blonde hair so it looks whipsy and distressed. How should I tell her to cut my layers, for it to look nice and crisp layers. ?

How to get my haircut? Blunt or texturize?

Tell her you want choppy layers. Cut out some pictures to show her. Make sure you give her a compliment on how she's been cutting your hair but tell her you want to try something different this time. Say "I saw this hair cut and it looks so cute. I'm sure you can cut my hair like this. I want to try out a new hair style." She can't be offended if you just want to try something different. I think the word "Choppy" should click for her. That usually means noticeable chunks of layers.

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